Category: Example Tools

BBC News

The British Broadcasting Corporation BBC was founded approximately a century ago and is the national news broadcaster in the UK. Its main responsibility is gathering and broadcasting news around the world.

Apple Reminders

Remembering all your “To-Dos” often is just not possible. Writing lists with all your “To-Dos” and all the deadlines can be really practical in order not to forget anything. One of the Collaboration Tools which you can do is the Apple Reminders. It is free to use and with the ICloud it stays synchronised over all your devices. 

Apple Calender

Keeping up with your daily schedule can be difficult sometimes. Work, university, friends, …in order to remember everything and stay organised it is handy to get some help from a calendar. Using a paper calendar can be really nice, but having one on your phone has a lot of advantages. Besides having your phone with you all the time anyways it is also really good to get notifications from your calendar in order to remember all your meetings. 


Instagram is a platform in which you can share the best photos and videos. Every user profiler has followers and following counts, portraying how many people they follow and how many other users follow them. Increasing your visibility is easy when your posts are included in the Explore Section.